John Hobson - Leeds micro v2

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John Hobson 1942-2018

Leeds Microscopical Society was founded in 1991 from the adult education classes at Leeds university, and John was a staunch supporter from the beginning. There were not many meetings that he missed over the years, and frequently led the group when we were looking at freshwater life. His knowledge of the flora and fauna of ponds and streams was immense and we all relied on him for identifying our collections. He had much to contribute to the LMS committee meetings and his expertise helped build the society that we have today. He will be remembered with affection by us all.

His funeral took place on the 14th March with an attendance so large that there was standing room only within the Chapel which bore witness to his extreme popularity and the regard with which he was held.

John at Morley 2017

John and Christine pond dipping near Otley

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