Leeds micro v2

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Welcome to the Leeds Microscopical
Society web site

Latest news....

  1. We had a very successful session on mounting and staining slides of pollen on the 8th July, run by Kirit. For access to the method sheets for the session - click here
  2. An archive of the work of the naturalist Doug Richardson, containing many beautiful photomicrographs, is available as a  freely available download  called 'Observations' from the  Quekett (and many other sites) - click here
  3. Chris Wallage has written a quick and neat instruction sheet on how to set up your microscope for Kohler illumination - click here

    Click here to visit our Facebook page

A beautiful image of a hydra from our 'pond dipping' session, captured by Kirit. : (more still images of the hydra - click here).  (For images from the session - click here)
The Society has again received a further grant of £400 from the Quekett Microscopical Club. As on previous occasions, this is to be used in accordance with their charitable aims of promoting interest and education in microscopy.  We are therefore in a position to continue to make our annual meeting at Pool in Wharfedale free to all. In addition we can also retain our subscription rate at £5 per annum. "On behalf of the LMS and its members I would like to thank the Quekett for its continued generosity" - Mike Smith, Hon. Sec

Slide library ...

The society has a library of zoological, botanical and mineral specimen slides, which can be examined either by stereo or compound microscope and are available on loan to members. The collection has been donated by members and is added to frequently - please contact Kirit Gorhandas

'Virtual Microscope'....
Click on 'e-Scope' above to enter the 'Virtual Microscope' project ....

Who we are ...

Leeds Microscopical Society is a friendly group of amateurs and professionals who meet twice a month (2nd and 4th Mondays of the month) , alternating between 'live' events at Alwoodley at 10.30am Monday mornings and 'Zoom' sessions on-line at 7.00pm Monday evenings (although some specific dates may vary - see programme for details) . We have lectures, practical sessions and slide shows on all aspects of microscopy. We are particularly keen to attract beginners and others who wish to know how to get the best from their microscopes, and to help them explore the normally unseen world that lies all around us. Perhaps you are a photographer who would like to capture some extraordinary images of the microscopic world. If so, come and see what we do.

If you would like to know more please contact the secretary: Mike Smith

Guests and visitors welcome!

Where and when we meet ...

Live meetings (10.00 for 10.30) are held at Alwoodley Park Methodist Church Hall, Alwoodley, Leeds, LS17 7BX on the corner of The Avenue and The Lane. (click here for a map)

There is a floodlit carpark and ample additional on-street parking.

The No 7a bus from Leeds (departs Infirmary Street ) passes the church, with a return at 23 minutes past the hour from the bottom of the Avenue, Alwoodley.

Annual subscription: £5

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